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7 Back Pain Relief Strategies

I’m not a doctor and this is not medical advice. If you’ve had an accident, see a doctor.

Here are 7 strategies for back pain relief.

1. Be Taller

Starting at age 40, people lose about half of an inch of height every 10 years. The primary reason is poor posture.

Good and bad standing posture

If you want to get taller instead of shorter as you age, make being taller a habit by imagining there's a string at the back of your head pulling you up to the sky.

Be taller

Standing & sitting are not passive activities where you collapse and slouch. They're active positions of balance. It doesn't require much effort, but it does require attention.

Spine balance

If sitting causes you pain, consider stretchsitting, where you use your seat to sit taller and lengthen your spine.

How to stretchsit

This prevents your body from slouching and compressing your discs.

Spinal lengthening

It also promotes circulation to the spinal discs.

Spinal decompression vs compression

If you spend a lot of time sitting, I recommend purchasing a stretchsit cushion instead of a lumbar support.

Stretchsit cushion vs lumbar support

The cushion is small and easy to attach to any seat. It teaches you to sit tall instead of slouching.

Stretchsit cushion on an airplane

2. Breathe Deeply

Each day we take about 20,000 breaths. Have you ever considered if you're doing it wrong?

Find a comfortable position with your spine aligned, place your hands on your lower ribs. Inhale deeply to expand your torso out 360 degrees and then relax to exhale.

diaphragmatic breathing
Shallow vs deep breathing

Avoid letting your shoulders rise up as this breathing pattern is shallow.

Shallow breathing pattern

The primary breathing muscle is the diaphragm at the bottom of your lungs. Visualize and feel your diaphragm pressing down into your abdomen.

Diaphragmatic breathing

Secondary breathing muscles are the intercostal muscles between your ribs. Visualize your ribs expanding out on each breath.

Intercostal rib breathing

We’re meant to breathe through the nose most of the time as this promotes deeper breathing and better facial structure.

Nose vs mouth breathing

Improve your tongue posture by pressing your tongue to the roof of your mouth, similar to the position it's in when you make an "n" or "ng" sound. The practice is called mewing and it improves breathing and facial structure over time.


If your nose is clogged, unclog it by closing your nostrils with your fingers and holding your breath for 5-10 seconds. Repeat this process until your nose clears.

Hold your nose

Nasal strips that open the nasal passage can also help.

Nasal strips for breathing

The o2 trainer by Bas Rutten is a tool to help you connect with your breathing muscles. Practice taking 30 deep breaths 1 time per day.

o2 trainer

When we breathe correctly with the diaphragm, we improve circulation to the spine. If you breathe shallowly instead, you tighten overused muscles that can cause chronic pain.

3. Practice Spine Hygiene

Most back injuries occur because of repetitive micro-trauma, not one serious event.

Practicing spine-sparing movements will ensure you reduce these micro traumas and reduce the likelihood of back pain.

For example, if you spend a good amount of time sitting, make sure you're sitting well with a neutral spine.

Good and bad sitting posture

This includes when riding a bike.

Riding a bicycle good vs bad posture

And while sitting on the toilet!

Sitting on the toilet good vs bad posture

Maintain a neutral spine while tying your shoes.

Tying shoes good vs bad posture

Brushing your teeth.

Brushing teeth good vs bad posture


Vacuuming  good vs bad posture

And gardening.

Gardening good vs bad posture

Your spine is meant to move, however, if you're experiencing back pain, it's possible you're overusing your low back, and practicing spine hygiene can reduce pain symptoms.

4. Stretch the hips and thorax

Stretch the areas that need mobility like the hips and thoracic spine before focusing on areas that require more stability like the low back.

joint by joint approach

If your hamstrings are tight, learn to roll your hips forward while sitting and any time you bend forward. Each time throughout the day that you bend forward, stick your butt up towards the sky and you'll be getting a mini stretch multiple times per day!

anterior vs posterior pelvic tilt

Performing a hinge from the hips with good technique is the best hamstring stretch you can do.

Hinge with flat back

The couch stretch will loosen tight hip flexor muscles. 2 minutes per side in the morning and night is a great place to start.

To stretch your upper body, perform the prayer stretch or hang from a bar.

5. Sit on the ground

If you don't have the time to stretch, the best thing to do is to include stretching postures as you work or relax. These postures will stretch your body while still allowing you to work on your computer.

Instead of sitting on your chair as you work, use a half-kneeling position at your desk to stretch your hips.

Half kneeling position

Instead of sitting on your comfy couch, use the pigeon stretch to loosen up the outer thigh muscles and the frog stretch to open the inner thighs.

pigeon stretch
Frog stretch for adductor mobility

Consider lying on one side if it feels good.


Lie on your stomach to stretch your abdominals.

prone cobra position

6. Strengthen the Core

Doing crunches is not going to make your back pain better. Instead, focus on stabilizing the core by first learning how to brace and then practicing core stability exercises.


Poke your fingers into your sides and cough to feel your fingers get pushed out.

Abdominal brace

This is your core creating intra abdominal pressure and core stability.

Intra abdominal pressure

Use this bracing strategy as you perform the following core stability routine.

Core Stability

Perform 3 rounds of the core stability circuit. Rest as needed between sets.

A - Deadbug - 30 seconds

Deadbug exercise

B - Side plank - 30 seconds

Side plank

C -Plank with leg raise - 30 seconds

Plank with. a leg raise

D - Glute bridge - 12 repetitions.

Glute bridge gif

7. Positive Mindset

About 85% of back pain is nonspecific, which means doctors don't know exactly what's causing your pain.

The only person who can fix your pain long term is YOU!

I've helped hundreds of people overcome chronic pain, and the people who see results are those stubborn enough to NEVER GIVE UP!

With all things in life, it's difficult to enjoy the journey when it's happening, especially with back pain. However, your attitude will determine your success. Use my story and look for other success stories to help you realize that IT'S POSSIBLE to get out of pain!


Your body is designed to be pain-free. By identifying the habits that cause you pain, you empower yourself to be in control of your pain. By stretching tight areas and strengthening weak points, you are bulletproofing your body so you never need to experience chronic pain again.

Listen to your body, trust yourself, and know that any pain you go through is an opportunity to strengthen your character and will power. You can do this!!!!


Your back pain is unique. If you want a customized program that meets your needs, work with me directly.

Hope this helps! - Tom

Tom Pfeiffer, Fitness Coach


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Tom Pfeiffer Fitness
Personal Trainer & Back Pain Specialist
Williamsburg, Brooklyn USA

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