I’m not a doctor and this is not medical advice. If you’ve had an accident, go see a doctor.
If you suspect different femur lengths, measure from your ASIS to the medial malleolus of each leg and compare. Leg length discrepancy is mostly caused by pelvic rotation and not different bone lengths. Adding a shoe insert may only make the functional problem worse by further rotating the pelvis in the direction we don’t want to go.
Lie down on your back with legs straight and push one leg out away from your hips as you pull the other leg into your hips. Hold this position for a few seconds and then switch sides. Perform a few repetitions to become aware of how you can functionally control your leg length by rotating and shifting your hips.

Perform glute bridges with a band around the knees, then perform glute bridges with a ball/cushion between your knees. If you feel your back, brace your core or press your hands into a wall. Doing this will help to settle your hips into a good position. Aim for 3 sets of 20 repetitions.

Build strength and coordination by performing single leg exercises.

If your hips are particularly stiff or tight, you can use hip stretches like the 90/90 stretch to get both the inner and outer thighs.

Most people have different length legs and it causes no problems. Leg length discrepancy does not require special training, but simply using your hips more and how they were designed will often correct this. Work with a fitness professional or record yourself when exercising to see that your technique is good.
Look at common postures you maintain throughout your day where your hips are uneven or twisted and consider adopting more balanced or even postures. If you'd like further assistance, schedule a fitness consultation and work with me directly. If you have questions, please leave them down below! - Tom