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Sickness: Internal or External?

Is getting sick simply a product of bad luck or is it something we can prevent?

Here are the two components of getting sick and what you can do to stay healthy!

Germ Theory of Sickness

This theory states that we get sick once we're exposed to germs.

This could be a sick baby coughing on an airplane or an old lady who farts too close to you at the cafe.

The way to prevent this cause of sickness is to avoid germs.

Wash your hands, use hand sanitizer, wear a mask, or keep your distance from sick people.

Germs are a scientifically proven cause of disease and sickness, and avoiding excess germs will prevent you from getting sick... to an extent.

Host Theory of Sickness

We're surrounded by germs every day of our lives, but we don't get sick every day. Host theory states that we get sick when we become weak or unwell.

Have you noticed you tend to get sick when you're tired, stressed, overworked, or after a long weekend of partying and degeneracy?

Last time I got sick was after a week-long vacation where my nutrition wasn't great and I ate too many french fries and hamburgers.

Poor nutrition, lack of sleep, travel, or any other stress can be a cause for sickness based on this theory.

Conclusion: How to Stay Healthy

Sickness is caused by a combination of germ theory and host theory. Avoiding germs can help to prevent sickness, but you can't avoid all germs, and exposure to germs has been shown to improve the immune system.

Sickness is a form of stress, so if I feel like I'm getting sick, I want to do activities that aid recovery and allow my body to calm down.

I don’t want to do an intense workout. Instead, I'll go for a walk or do some very light exercise to aid blood flow.

When I’m sick I’ll also sleep much more - as much as I can - because sleep is the time our body repairs itself.

I believe most sickness can be overcome with sleep, stress management, and proper nutrition.

Learning how to breathe properly and using the O2 Trainer by Bas Rutten help to aid circulation and reduce stress.

o2 trainer bas rutten

I cleanse my body and digestive tract of the sickness by drinking a lot of water and increasing fiber intake. I’ll eat as many fruits, vegetables, green leafy vegetables, and beans as I can to increase fiber. I’ll drink so much water that I feel like I’m going to burst.

Here are two incredibly simple salad recipes with tons of fiber and nutrients. Click the images to see the recipes:

Chickpea salad recipe
Chickpea Salad

That's my sickness philosophy and how I manage to stay healthy and prevent sickness.

While there are some things that are out of your control, I choose to make good decisions based on the things I can control and I'm rarely sick.

What's your strategy to stay healthy and avoid sickness? Let me know in the comments below!

Hope this helps! - Tom

Tom Pfeiffer


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Tom Pfeiffer Fitness
Personal Trainer & Back Pain Specialist
Williamsburg, Brooklyn USA

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