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10 Life Lessons

As we experience life we learn lessons. Here are 10 lessons I’ve learned. I hope this helps.

The body is smarter than you are.

If you feel pain, it’s a sign you need to make a change. Chronic pain is caused by our habits, not a flawed body, and the solution is to change our habits. Taking drugs or getting surgery might work in the short term, but they do not address the cause of pain. Analyzing and changing your habits is difficult, which is why most people go from one quick fix to the next and live unhealthy lives. Read the Biology of Belief to understand your health or submit your email on my website pop-up to access What’s wrong with my back to learn more about chronic pain.

Biology of Belief book

Practice mewing and nasal breathing

Orthodontics involves putting external metal in your mouth to move your teeth, while Orthotropics has to do with improving oral and facial posture by using your tongue. Improving tongue posture helps to manage stress, improves breathing, and makes you more attractive. Learn more from Dr. Mike Mew or by reading this blog on breathing.

Mewing gif

My 4-step solution to overcome headaches and stomachaches:

  1. Drink 2 large glasses of water, preferably with electrolytes.

  2. Take 30 deep breaths with your diaphragm.

  3. Perform 10 minutes of exercise with an elevated heart rate.

  4. Eat a meal with fiber and protein.

This has worked for me 100% of the time. In my experience the only people this hasn't worked for are those who won't do it. Some people believe they're special and their disease or syndrome makes them powerless, so they just take pain medication and suffer. If that sounds like you, try this 4-step solution next time your head or stomach hurts and if it doesn't make you feel better let me know!

Note: the type of exercise you do should be customized. If you believe your headache is posture related i.e. working at a computer too long, then practicing the Mckenzie extension exercises might be more helpful!

Neck extension exercise

My 3-step process to overcome Depression

  1. Focus on what you do have, not what you don’t have. This is gratitude. If you’re reading this blog, you have a lot.

  2. Focus on helping others instead of yourself. Realize there are other people who need more help than you do.

  3. Take care of your body

My childhood I suffered from depression frequently, up until around age 20 when my depression led me to frequently contemplate suicide. When I look back, I realize how selfish I was during this time. I was obsessed with what I didn't have and the misfortune life had given me, when in reality there was so much I did have. What got me out of my depression was realizing it's not what happens, but our interpretation that matters. Then I began living as best I could to serve others. Everyone is different, this is what worked for me, and I believe if you practice these steps you will feel better as well.

Don’t try to change people. Instead, be the example, and when they’re ready they’ll let you know.

If someone is doing self-harm, the way to help them is not to offer unsolicited advice because that will make them dislike you. Instead, simply ask questions, and if they get upset it’s because they’re not ready to make a change.

Don't make your questions assuming i.e. "Don't you think you'd be happier if..."

Instead, genuinely try to understand the other person's perspective. If they're doing self-harm, there's no rational justification, and by attempting to understand them you will help them understand themselves. Without judging them, and by showing a better existence through your actions, eventually they will ask you for your thoughts or help, and only then can you share.

In most cases, especially with friends and partnerships, you don't make people good, you find them good. Be careful with being around people with a lot of problems because you can't change them!

Give what you want to receive.

If you want a more exciting life, be excited. Be emotive when you talk. If you want more love, give love.

Before complaining that you’re not receiving something, check to make sure that you’re first giving it.

We can often label ourselves as a certain type of person, and this does more harm than any label from others. Start labeling yourself as the type of person you want to be.

"I'm the type of person who is easy to get along with."

"I'm the type of person who is easy to love."

You can't give what you don't have, so make sure you're taking care of yourself, then give to others the things you want most in life.

Study bitcoin

If you believe bitcoin is a scam it's because you don't understand it. I’ve never met someone who studied bitcoin for 100 hours and didn’t buy it. As of the writing of this blog, the price of bitcoin is $60k and it’s going to be worth millions. 50 years ago you could just buy the S&P 500 and end up relatively wealthy when you retire, but I believe this will change, and the bitcoin strategy will replace this as the most prudent long term investment strategy.

Time will tell if it turns out as I suspect. You don’t have to buy it, but at least understand it, otherwise you will look foolish in a few years. Visit to learn more.

My 2-step solution to success

  1. Find what you want

  2. Do it or die

If you’re not committed it’s because you don’t really want it. Most people never achieve what they want because they don't know what they want! If your goals are only in your head, that's a fantasy. Write down your goals and bring them into reality. This youtube video can help you set fitness goals:

If you don't know what you want then you're still at step 1. Try different experiences and spend an hour per day thinking about what you want. Goal setting is hard work! Stop settling for what those around you expect from you. You are the main character. Decide what you want!

It’s darkest before dawn.

Whatever you want, the world is going to test you. Nothing happens in a straight line, so be prepared for weeks, months, or years of no results and keep putting in the work.

If you want to lose fat, you're going to hit a plateau. Some times it lasts a week, but I've had clients at the same weight after a month of effort! The thing is, if you can stay consistent, then after this plateau comes the breakthrough.

It's the same with any type of success. Stay consistent with the daily disciplines, and eventually you'll achieve the progress you're after. The only way to fail is to give up.

When it feels like you can't keep going. When it feels like you want to quit, that means you're close!!! It means it's just about to change!! Don't give up. Stay consistent and trust the process. If you're unsure of your process, ask for help.

Don’t give energy to things you don’t want.

If someone is doing something you don’t approve of, don’t give them attention. Once they do something you like, then give them attention.

I use this all the time and it's remarkable how well it works. If someone is talking to me and they start complaining or speaking negatively, I just look away. I don't give them attention or energy. People instinctively seek your attention and approval. It doesn't matter if you're a coach or a child, choose what you give your attention to and notice that your attention is POWERFUL.

It might feel difficult at first because you want to be respectful and look at the person talking with you, but try this strategy and you'll be amazed at how something as simple as looking away can affect how others act.

Those are 10 life lessons I’ve learned. Do you agree or disagree? Comment below and let’s have a conversation. Until next time! Peace!

Tom Pfeiffer Chronic Pain Coach


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Tom Pfeiffer Fitness
Personal Trainer & Back Pain Specialist
Williamsburg, Brooklyn USA

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